We won’t be having Wed. Night Supper for this week, February 2 and next week, February 9. All other Wed. Night activities are still on! See you this Wednesday at 6:30!
Funeral for Charlie Holmes
Obituary for Mrs. Jackie Musselman
Source: Nassau Funeral Home (https://bit.ly/2XVctg7)
Obituary for Mrs. Edna Sain
Edna Irene Howell Sain joined her Savior on Friday, August 20, 2021, due to complications from Covid.
She was born in Worcester, England on August 7, 1925. Don D. Sain was an American Soldier during World War II when they met, fell in love, and married in England. At war’s end, Edna and baby Donnie sailed to America to be reunited with Don in Moultrie, Georgia.
Mom was a member of Garden City Methodist Church and for many years attended the First Baptist Church of Gray Gables.
Mom was preceded in death by her husband Don Sain and grandson Michael Sain. She is survived by her sister Joyce Howell Baldwin of Worcester, England and her children Donnie Sain(Janice), Jeanette West(Richard, deceased), Roger Sain(Peggy); her grandchildren Brian West (Sandy), Cliff Riddle (Sabine), Sharon Barbour (Kelvin), Kenny West (Crystal), Roger Sain Jr. ( fiancé` Missy Brown); MacKenzie Melvin, Melissa Bibbs (Andrew), and she was blessed with eight great-grandchildren.
Mom was always cheerful and loved everyone. Devoted to her family, she was a faithful prayer warrior and loved reading scripture, working in her yard, and baking pies and fruitcakes. She also was a life member of the West Nassau Historical Society.
The family wishes to thank family and friends for their visits, calls, prayers, cards, and gifts of food for the caregivers. Pastor Cody Page will lead the graveside service at Jones Cemetery on Tuesday, August 24th at 10:00 a.m. Justin Hartzell, Associate Pastor/Music Minister will also assist in the service. As a precaution, we request facemasks be worn to help protect each other.
Unfortunately, the family will not be able to receive guests for visitation or a luncheon due to health risk for family and friends. Thank you for your understanding that we must be cautious. Flowers will be provided by the family and any charitable donations may be made to the Cup Ministry of the First Baptist Church of Gray Gables; Community Hospice 4266 Sunbeam Rd. Jacksonville, Fl. 32257 or Trinity Rescue Mission, 622 West Union St., Jacksonville, Florida 32202.
Condolences may be expressed at www.callahanfh.com. Arrangements by Callahan Funeral Home, Inc.
See this obituary page in full, get more info about the funeral location, etc. by going to the link below. https://www.callahanfh.com/obituaries/Edna-Sain-2/#!/Obituary
COVID-19 Update (07/21/21)
Church Family,
We want you to know that we’ve had some more church members test positive for Covid this week, some of whom were at church on Sunday morning. We’ve directly contacted those that we know were exposed and made sure our facility is clean and safe.
We are still meeting tonight for Wednesday Night Grow Service. We understand if you can’t come, but we encourage you to join us if you can. Our policy is that unless one of our pastors tests positive or shows symptoms, we plan to continue meeting together.
If you’re in a Wednesday Night leadership role of any kind, and won’t be here tonight, please contact one of the pastors or the church office. We love you so much, church family! We’re praying that the Lord will guard you and bring a quick end to this difficult season.
VBS 2021 Recap Video
Thank you to everyone who gave and served to make this year's Vacation Bible School such a huge success! And a special thank you to Brad Braddock for producing this great video!
My Church Notebook (August 2020)
Click here for this month’s My Church Notebook!
My Church Notebook is a Gray Gables worship resource for kids!
It helps kids engage in AM Worship each Sunday. It also serves them and their families as a resource for their spiritual growth, and mission-mindedness each month. They are available here online each month + at the Connect Table when you arrive for worship (please bring your own crayons).
A new edition is published on the last Sunday of each month for the following month, and includes the following items:
GGBC Coronavirus Update (7/30)
Church Family,
As we’ve talked about recently, here's our new weekly schedule, effective immediately.
Sunday School (9:00AM - All Ages)
Worship (10:15AM - Nursery for ages 3 and under)
Prayer & Discipleship (6:30PM - Nursery for ages 3 and under)
As always, we encourage you to use Social Distancing Guidelines:
Wear a mask whenever possible
Maintain a distance of 6ft from those outside your family unit
Frequently wash and sanitize your hands
If you have any symptoms that could be linked to Coronavirus, please stay home and participate with us through online service. Thank you so much for fighting for your health and the health of others!
If you have questions or just want to talk, please call your pastors anytime. We’d love to hear from you, and minister to you! We miss you so much, church family, and we're begging the Lord for the day to come soon when we can all gather together safely again!
GGBC Coronavirus Update (6/24)
Church Family,
Thank you for your patience with us cancelling June 21 on-campus services after one of our members tested positive for Coronavirus. This dear church member has not been on campus again since June 7th. In the meantime, our facilities have been sterilized and everyone that has had contact with this person has tested negative. So we are returning to our Phase 2 schedule this Sunday, June 28!
Here's a brief look at the next week (more info here)...
Sunday (6/28):
- Sunday School (9:00AM)
- Worship Service (10:15AM)
- Sunday Night Prayer and Bible Study (6:30PM)
Wednesday (7/1):
- Wednesday Night Discipleship (6:30PM)
As always, we encourage you to use Social Distancing Guidelines (wearing masks whenever possible, maintaining a distance of 6 ft from those outside your family unit, frequently wash hands and sanitize your hands) while on campus. If you have any symptoms that could be linked to Coronavirus, please stay home and participate with us through online service. We miss you so much, and thank you for fighting for your health and the health of others!
If you have questions, please call your pastors anytime. We’d love to hear from you, and minister to you!
GGBC Coronavirus Update (6/19)
Church Family,
One of our members just notified us that they just tested positive for Coronavirus.
We’re not releasing this dear church member’s name at this time, but the person wants you to know that they were on-campus for our AM service on June 7, and though not having any symptoms, is now believed by the health department to have been contagious at that time. The church member was not on campus for our June 14 or 17 services. This person has self-quarantined and already contacted all those with whom they’ve had personal contact (less than 6ft for more than 20 minutes).
To be on the safe side, we’re shifting back to online services until further notice.
Please join us online this Sunday Morning for worship at fbcgraygables.com/online-service
We know this is difficult news, but praise God, He isn’t caught off guard by this! He still has authority over all things, and He’s promised us in His word that He’s working ALL things for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28). So let’s continue to pray. Let’s continue to trust the Lord. Let’s continue to look for ways to encourage and care for each other. Let’s continue to watch for opportunities to talk about faith in Christ with unbelievers during this season!
If you have questions, please call your pastors anytime. We’d love to hear from you, and minister to you!
Reopening Plan Update (5/24)
Here are some slides from Pastor Cody’s update on Sunday morning (5/24). We are reopening in phases, in step with the state’s plan.
Reopening This Sunday!
Read the announcement here:
Or watch the announcement here:
Homecoming Drive-In Service Announcement
Dear Church Family,
As this Coronavirus Season continues, we’ve been reminded of two things over and over again:
- The Lord is faithful and true always.
We can’t tell you how encouraging it’s been to text, talk with and see you at the office over the last few weeks.
And we’re so thankful for how the Lord has provided us a way to still worship online through our online services... but it’s not the same as being together. So with Homecoming approaching, we’ve been asking ourselves, “How could we meet together safely?” So we’ve prayed, brainstormed, reached out to the local authorities, and we’re glad to share with you that we’re going to have a special…
Drive-In Homecoming Service,
Sunday, May 3 at 9:15AM
We are so excited about gathering together with you! And we’ll gladly accept things being a little different or inconvenient at times if it means we can do that safely.
- Please arrive on campus no later than 9:00am
- Please use the covered driveway by the Fellowship Hall entrance. All other turn-ins will be blocked off for that day.
- Our wonderful deacons will be on-hand to guide you from the time you arrive to the time you leave. They’ll be the ones in the orange vests. For your safety, please follow their directions at all times.
- Please keep your vehicle turned off during the entire service.
- The service will consist of 2 songs and a sermon. There will be πan opportunity for offerings during song #2.
- Please stay inside your vehicle at all times while you are on campus. All buildings, bathrooms, and the playground will be closed, so please plan and pack accordingly.
- After the service is complete, we will all exit in an orderly fashion the way that we entered, under the guidance of our deacon team.
Of course, this isn’t a normal Gray Gables church service, and we won’t get to see everyone. But we can rejoice that it is a church service together, and that we will get to see some brothers and sisters. We can enjoy this event now, and all the more long for the real thing later. As always, if you have any questions, you can contact your deacon or the church office by phone or email.
We can’t wait to see you, church family!
Love in Christ,
Your Staff
Video Announcement from Pastor Cody
Family Sunday - Kids Time (3/29/20)
GGBC Coronavirus Update (3/18)
Church family,
This week, in response the Cornoavirus pandemic, the President has recommended no gatherings of more than 10 people. So this Sunday morning (3/22), we’re going to worship the Lord together from our homes instead of on campus.
Cody and Justin will tape Sunday’s sermon and have it available via youtube, facebook, and fbcgraygables.com on Sunday morning at 10:15.
We'll continue to update you here, on social media, and through your deacons. But as this season continues, remember that you have an anchor for your soul in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 6:19-20)! Praise God!
We love you, church family, and we’re looking forward to the day coming soon where we’ll be together again.
In Christ,
Your Church Staff
GGBC Corona Virus Update
The LORD is in His holy temple; the LORD'S throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men. (Psalm 11:4)
Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, [16] making the most of your time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. [7] And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Church Family,
These days, concerns are rising about the Corona Virus. Some of these concerns are right and good. People want to walk wisely and protect ourselves and our families. In doing so, remember: God is still the sovereign King of the universe. He isn’t caught Him off guard by this. So let’s continue rest in Him and be gracious to each other as we walk through the coming days.
So in a desire to love the Lord and love our neighbor well, here’s how this Sunday and Wednesday will look:
Sunday AM service (3/15): Yes
Sunday School (3/15): No
Sunday PM service (3/15): No
Wednesday PM service (3/18): No
Sunday AM service will be a family service. No childcare or nursery will be available. Parents, plan accordingly and bring anything your children will need for worship (like crayons, and maybe the latest MY CHURCH NOTEBOOK, available here).
This virus is more common among those with a weakened immune system or a heart / respiratory condition. If you have one of these conditions, then out of love we encourage you to stay home. Also, if you’re feeling sick at all, then out of love for you and others, please stay home. No one among our church family has been diagnosed with the virus, but we’re still taking all the necessary precautions.
Pastor Cody’s sermon will be posted by 2pm this Sunday. You’ll be able to find it and all our other sermons here.
We also have youtube playlist of the songs we’re singing this Sunday morning. You can listen and sing along here.
If you’re on campus for service, we encourage you to avoid physical contact (handshakes, hugs, etc.) if at all possible. With that in mind, we will not have our normal “welcome time.” Also, we’ll have offering plates available at the doors for giving as you exit. You can also give using the online bill pay service offered by most banks. Find out more about this on our website here.
Most importantly church, PRAY.
Let’s join with other churches in the Southern Baptist Convention in praying these things:
We’ll be updating you here as the days progress. You can always contact your deacon or any of the staff with any questions, concerns, or if you just need someone to pray with you. We love you church!
In Christ,
Your Church Staff
March People Group
The Maratha (Mah-RAH-tta) of India
Each month we pray for a specific unreached people group around the world, with the help of the International Mission Board. For the month of March, we’re praying for the Maratha (Mah-RAH-tta) of India.
Learn more about the Maratha here.
Download this month’s prayer cards for them here, or pick one up this week at the Connect Table.
Talk about and pray for them with your family using this month’s My Church Notebook.
Learn more about people groups here.
January People Group
The Hmong People of China
This month, we’re praying for the Hmong (mung) people living in China.
Learn more about the Hmong here.
Download prayer cards for them here.
Talk about and pray for them with your family using this month’s My Church Notebook.
Learn more about what people groups are here.