Here’s a summary of Pastor Justin’s reopening plan update from AM Worship yesterday (6/7).

Q: What’s the basis for your reopening plan?
Just like with Phase 1, we’re following our state’s guidelines for reopening safely.

What’s next?
We will kick off our Phase 2 Schedule next Sunday, June 14!
The first Wednesday PM Service will on June 17.

What does Phase 2 look like?
Here’s what Phase 2 will look like for Adults and Youth.
Click through to the next slide for Phase 2 Childcare.

What will childcare look like in Phase 2?
Here’s a peek at Phase 2 Childcare. Remember, this phase is temporary. We’re looking forward to having everything back to normal when this season is over!

Thank you, Volunteers!
We can’t thank enough those who have volunteered to step in and help fill gaps with childcare for Sunday school. You are the reason that we get on-campus Sunday School back in Phase 2! We love y’all!
And a BIG “thank you” to Libby Kast for contacting and organizing childcare! You’re awesome!

A Time to Be Gracious
Even with all the great things we get back in Phase 2, this still isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. There will be, inconveniences, frustrations, and maybe even fears that come to the surface in our Phase 2 gatherings.
“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
- Ephesians 4:32