Its Nature
Expository preaching is simply Biblical preaching. True expository preaching makes the point of any particular sermon the point of the specific text being preached. It is important that the passage under consideration be explained according to the intentions of the original author writing to the original audience. Only after this is done, can it then be applied to daily Christian living. Therefore, the emphasis of expository preaching is the careful explanation of God’s Word along with the practical application of it.
Its Result
Expository preaching is essential for both the beliefs and behavior of God’s people. As the mind is engaged, the Holy Spirit takes the truth of God’s Word and affects the hearts of people. This will, in turn, move their wills to action. The result of expository preaching is changed lives.
Its Goal
The goal of the expository preacher is to allow God’s Word to do its work on the listener. It is not the preacher, but God’s Word that shapes a congregation of individuals who will bring God glory. As we sit under expository preaching, we expose ourselves to God’s Word. When God’s people do this, it will always lead to a productive, powerful, and penetrating Christian life.
Worthy Worship
Expository preaching leads to worthy worship. Our worship times are the most important times we spend together as a church family. God’s Word is central to our worship. We read God’s Word, pray through God’s Word, and preach God’s Word. We also sing God’s Word, as special selections are made to ensure that the content of our songs are Biblical in nature.
We sing both traditional hymns and contemporary songs. We use several different instruments in our worship including piano, keyboard, guitar, bass guitar, flute, saxophone and occasionally drums. But the style of the music is not the most important thing in our worship. We strive to sing familiar, memorable, and theological rich songs.
Many churches today try to cultivate emotional responses in their worship. We believe, however, that it is best to engage the mind with truth. We believe that when this is properly done, our emotions will be affected appropriately.
The central component to our worship services is the expositional preaching of God’s Word. For Sunday morning worship, a book of the Bible is preached through verse by verse. For Sunday evening worship, another book of the Bible is preached through. On Wednesday nights we enjoy a time of corporate prayer along with a shorter expositional sermon.